Denise Cruz's Digital Portfolio
Formal Introduction

Formal Introduction

Denise Cruz 

Noelle Nagales

ENGL 21003

February 9, 2023

My interests in Science began when I realized the improvements that have been made because of Science and all the potential to help people and be able advance this society.  I first started really studying Science when I was in high school. I took many science related courses. Since I was taking mainly biology related courses I found biology really interesting because I liked to see how all life works from a biological standpoint. How people became people, from their eye color or their hair color or how plants live and survive. Within the science community I hope to accomplish a scientific breakthrough mainly dealing with the ophthalmology field, specifically dealing with degenerative eye diseases that leave a person blind. Hopefully if I could accomplish my goal within the science community, it could be used to help many people around the world with eye problems so they see and experience the world. I hope my writing will improve even a little. I think that even a little improvement can go a long way and can help quite a bit though my 4 years in college. I mainly hope to improve in correctly using different methods for my evidence. Like knowing when to paraphrase and knowing how to cite correctly as well as quoting for titles and authors. I hope to accomplish these goals by taking and applying any feedback that I might get on any assignments. As well as asking any questions that might concern the areas I wish to improve on.