Denise Cruz's Digital Portfolio
NYT Summary & Response

NYT Summary & Response

Denise Cruz 

Noelle Nagales

ENGL 21003

May 19, 2023

The first article “ Texas Legislature Bans Transgender Medical Care For Children” a New York Times article written by David Montgomery and J. David Goodman details the latest shocking news that a bill has passed in the state of Texas that bans hormone and puberty treatment as well as gender affirmation surgery. This is the largest state in the U.S to ban transition care for minors. The bill itself will make it illegal for doctors to provide such treatments/surgeries that would permanently alter the body. Before this bill Texas has been trying to stop transition care for minors for years. Not only does it ban medical care it also bans any discussion of gender in schools and drag performances. The LGBTQ community in Texas has 30,000 transgender children from ages 13 to 17 that have now been denied care and now any doctors that participate will be violating the law. 

The second article “ House Passes Bill To Bar Transgender Athletes From Female Sports Teams” from the New York Times written by Annie Karni speaks on the approved legislation that would ban trans women and girls from athletic programs designed for women as a push by conservatives. Many republicans agree with this bill; calling it “common sense” for “biological males to compete with biological males”.  But many Democrats call the bill “ hateful” and “insidious’’, including President Biden himself that has said he would veto it if it comes to his desk. 

After reading both articles I see why this society seems to be going backwards and becoming even more cruel to the LGBTQ community.